An online textbook explaining photosynthesis and cellular respiration...


    Now you know how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work, but how important are they to us and living organisms in general? Well, for one thing, if photosynthesis and cellular respiration didn't exist, you wouldn't be here reading this information. Let's begin with photosynthesis. Photosynthesis may seem like it only benefits plants, but it is vital in the survival of animals. During photosynthesis, oxygen gas is released, which is taken in by humans for survival. Photosynthesis is also important for plants because it creates glucose, which is then moven to cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is very important because it breaks down this glucose into smaller energy molecules, which can be utilized by the cell. If the energy in a glucose molecule were released at once, the cell would certainly burn up. Cellular respiration prevents this and provides small amounts of energy for the cell to use. All in all, photosynthesis and cellular energy both work together to create food and energy for plants, which can than survive long enough to be eaten by both animals and humans. Without photosynthesis and cellular respiration, life would not exist as it does today.